The benefits of Baytree’s D365 Customer Service accelerator

What is an Accelerator?

Microsoft Dynamics offers some fantastic products to support your business needs. These products, out of the box require extensive configuration to tailor them to meet the needs of the housing sector. Here at Baytree, we have developed a standard platform to meet the needs of the sector, removing the need for our customers to start from a blank canvas, saving you time and implementation costs but more importantly providing you with a reliable, future proof foundation to build upon.

Microsoft dynamics CRM accelerator solution

Our Accelerator 

The Baytree Accelerator has been built specifically for the social housing sector. The accelerator utilises the ‘out the box’ configuration tools provided by Microsoft Dynamics, making it easy for organisations to continue to develop and manage going forward.

The Baytree accelerator provides a Microsoft Dynamics Customer Service platform (CRM as some might know it) to:

Manage all contact into the organisation

By providing a search and verification function to look up properties, tenants, and people. Provides the ability to log all contact against the tenant/customer and includes workflows to direct enquiries to the right department, first time.

Increase first point of contact resolution

The solution includes a knowledge base section to provide supporting information to enable customer services and other teams to answer more enquiries upfront without the need to refer them to specialist services. This means the tenant//customer will get the same response regardless of who they speak to and improves the customer experience by providing a resolution at the first point of contact.

d365 customer service accelerator

Increase efficiency through automated processes

The accelerator has several automated processes readily available, removing the need for manual activities. This increases efficiency and free’s up the valuable time of teams to concentrate on more complex cases.

Remove the need for off system working and spreadsheets

The structure of the accelerator includes all the core data you require to manage your tenants and properties, removing the need to hold various data sets across the organisation in the form of spreadsheets. The accelerator is built on a flexible platform to support your specific business process needs, again, removing the need to work off-system due to system limitations.

Support a 360-degree view of the tenant and property

The ability to hold all core property, tenant, customer, and account information within the accelerator provides an overarching view, helping you to understand the needs of your tenants much clearer than when obtaining data from multiple systems.

360 degree of tenants

Improve customer and business insight

Managing contact, demand, and processes within one solution provides the business-wide insight required to understand your business. This enables trends to be identified, improvement opportunities to be understood, team performance to be transparent and business demand to be clear. This provides the opportunity for continuous improvement, it enables services to be tailored to meet the need of your tenants and allows you to understand the actual cost of maintaining your properties.

Support digital and business transformation

The accelerator, along with D365 Customer Services provides a flexible, future-proof platform to enable business and digital transformation. It provides a foundation for managing efficient, effective consistent processes, removing the need for multiple solutions and various sources of data. It gives a solid foundation for implementing self-serve portals, chatbots, social media platforms, and other intelligent solutions, all of which can easily be plugged into the accelerator/D365 Customer Service. This really can transform the way you operate as a business and the experience your customers, suppliers, and staff receive from you as an organisation.

Why your organisation should implement our accelerator solution

The accelerator provides a strong foundation to build upon, allowing organisations to manage end-to-end business processes within Dynamics, reducing/removing the need for legacy housing management solutions.

The Accelerator can be used as a stand-alone product or integrated with other solutions, we can help you to understand all the options available to you to make sure you maximise the potential and benefits from your implementation.

This is a really exciting opportunity for housing associations to start their journey in moving to modern, future-proof, flexible solutions that support every need of the business. Get in touch with us to find out how Baytree and our accelerator can support your business.